

Working as an osteopath has allowed me to have a global vision of the person in all their dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I have deepened these concepts, integrating with studies of: iridology, kinesiology, biodynamics, yoga, pranayama, theta healing, reiki. This vision recognizes that each of these dimensions are interconnected and impact each other and aims to create a balance to promote optimal well-being.

  • Kinesiologist

  • Osteopath D.O.

  • Iridologist

  • Yoga and meditation teacher

  • Mindfulness

  • Holotropic Breathwork

  • Somato-Emotional

  • Reiki

  • Shamanism

  • Traumas and obligations

  • Thetahealing certifications:

    • BasicDNA

    • Advanced DNA

    • Intuitive anatomy

    • Manifesting and Abundance

    • DNA III

    • Game of Life

    • Dig Deeper

Ayeleh went through her own transformational journey over 10 years ago that gave her the tools to start a new way of living and opened the door into exploring the amazing world of spirituality. Along this path she discovered different ways of working with oneself and also started studying to become a therapist. Eventually this search took her to an ashram in Rishikesh, India where she studied different types of meditations and also completed her yoga teacher training. She now combines the two worlds into a unique way of healing body, mind & soul. She continuously tries to expand her conscious living in all areas of her life, to be mindful and aware in all her decisions, actions, relationships and surroundings.

  • Therapist

  • Behavioral counselor

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Motivational interviewing techniques

  • Relapse prevention

  • Theories of conversation methodology

  • Basic skills in substance abuse treatment planning

  • Specific skills in Audit & Dudit

  • Yoga & Meditation teacher

  • Mindfulness

  • MBSR- meditation 

  • Thetahealing 

  • Pranayama

  • Minnesota model methods

  • 12 step methodes